Episode 17: The Rise and Rise of Kesha

Kesha is a queen. But did we always appreciate her as such? We dig into not only Kesha's talent and resilience, but start to shed a spotlight on the toxic music industry that fed on her success and ended up hurting her greatly.

But of course - she took the Higher Road.

As always we have three segments:

- A-Sides - 9:15

- B-Sides - 20:10

- U-Sides - 57:43

Here are some links 4u:

1. THE B-SIDES ZIIIINE! bit.ly/buybsideszine2019

2. The B-Sides NEWSLETTER! bit.ly/listentothebsides

3. The second B-Sides newsletter EVER in Feb. 2017 about Kesha and Dr. Luke: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=8b3473bed77cfff96ccea4435&id=b99ec94ccd&e=13fa5c1d60

4. A timeline of Kesha and Dr. Luke. This one is from 2016 so it's old but it has some helpful context: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kesha-and-dr-luke-everything-you-need-to-know-to-understand-the-case-106731/

5. And finally, because we're incredibly proud, here's the link to the Bello Collective Top 100 podcasts which, spoiler alert, we’re on: https://bellocollective.com/100-best-podcasts-of-2019-7f4c083d43f7

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Episode 18: It Was the End of a Decade, But the Start of an Age


Episode 16: Music, Activism, and Accelerated Capitalism ft. Dan Baggarly